This Audio Collab will be Rated E
This collab will be focused on SpongeBob music, specifically recreating the sounds and vibes of SpongeBob Seasons 1-3. I’m mainly looking for that Tiki Bar/ Beach/ Surf Rock/ Sea Shanty vibe that was so present in the early years. Here’s a playlist of the original SpongeBob OST to get your inspiration from! [link]
Basic Rules:
- Submissions must be at least 30 seconds to at most 4 minutes
- No Covers! Submissions will be your original tracks that you make for this collab (Sea Shanties are the exception)
- You can submit up to two times! But they have to be stylistically distinct from one another
- If you want to make a track based on a niece genre represented in the OG series (synths, vocal tracks, metal, etc), reach out to me first to get approved
Need some help?:
- Join the NGAP Collab Server on Discord, tag the appropriate role (Musicians, Singers, etc) within the “the-ocean-man-collab” channel and explain what you need help on.
- Make a Reply in this BBS to find someone to collaborate with.
- Create a Help Wanted post under “Wanting to Collaborate with Peers” and wait for someone to reach out to collaborate with you.
How to Submit your part:
- Export your final project as a WAV File
- Rename the file to the tile of your song and your ng username (ex: Hawaiian Brawl - xXTankMANXx)
- Upload your file to Google Drive (or any other storage sharing service)
- Click the share button and make a link that can be “accessed by anyone”
- Dm me the link either on ng or discord
I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready!